Sverigeråd i Örebro AB - Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen


Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen - det var kärlek vid första

Du kontaktar själv hotellet för att göra en bokning. Se kontaktuppgifter nedan. Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen is beautifully situated by the Svartån River that runs through central Örebro. From the hotel you are close to the city's restaurants, shopping streets and attractions such as Örebro Castle, just 200 metres away. The castle can also be seen from some of the hotel rooms. Find out more about Örebro here.

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Här bor du i en anrik byggnad från 1800-talet, med allt som staden har att erbjuda runt hörnet. Fika och kvällsmat ingår varje dag. Vi är ett kontantfritt hotell. Email: Our conference and meeting rooms With our unrivalled location at the centre of Örebro and the unique ambiance of our landmark building, Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen is a great place for small groups to meet and get work done. Our expert staff will help you plan every last detail. E-post: Org. nr: 556945-5990 Klostergatan 1 703 61 Örebro , Sverige The Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen in central Örebro is situated in a wonderful 19th century building, within easy reach of all the city's main attractions. Fika and evening meal are included.

The Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen in central Örebro is situated in a wonderful 19th century building, 104 lediga jobb som Jobba Extra i Örebro på Ansök till Receptionister Extrapersonal Sommarvikariat, Hemstäd Lokalvårdare, Säljande Receptionist med mera!

1203 verifierade hotellrecensioner av Clarion Collection Hotel

Sverigeråd i Örebro AB - Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen omsatte 41 402 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019). Choice Hotels & Resort AB  Clarion Collection Borgen söker sommarpersonal till städ.

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Boka ditt nästa hotell i Stockholm, Göteborg, Arlanda eller  Datum, Tävling, Arrangör. 1/2. 2/2.

Atrium Ljungberg har tecknat avtal med Nordic Choice Hotels rörande en ny hotelldirektör för Petter Stordalens hotellsatsning i gamla NA-borgen i Örebro. Clarion tillhör Nordic Choice Hotels som har fyra olika typer av hotell under sitt paraply; Comfort, Quality, Clarion och andra fristående hotell.
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Choice örebro borgen

Email: Our conference and meeting rooms With our unrivalled location at the centre of Örebro and the unique ambiance of our landmark building, Clarion Collection Hotel Borgen is a great place for small groups to meet and get work done.

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Checkar in i NA-borgen Fastighetsvärlden

Fika and evening meal are included. This is a cash-free hotel.