Auf den Seiten des Portals finden Sie wichtige Informationen zur Förderung durch das 9. Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation für die Programmlaufzeit von 2021 - 2027 sowie über das Beratungs- und Schulungsangebot. Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme that will succeed Horizon 2020 is the largest transnational programme ever supporting research and innovation. The new EU research and innovation programme will have a budget of around €95.5 billion for 2021-2027 (current prices). 26.1.2021: Demonstration of systemic solutions for the territorial deployment of the circular economy: 10-20: IA: 60: 1: Area 4: Energy and resource efficient buildings: LC-GD-4-1-2020: 26.1.2021: Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way: 10-20: IA: 60: 1: Area 5: Sustainable and smart mobility: LC-GD-5-1-2020: 26.1.2021 Interests and capabilities for Horizon Europe March 2021 ©2021 OHB Hellas Proprietary Information 4 from 5 2.3.2 Optical space telecommunication systems OHB Hellas can offer expertise, based on optical communication technologies developed during the Open access to scientific peer reviewed publications has evolved from a pilot project with limited scope in FP7 to an underlying principle in the Horizon 2020 funding scheme, obligatory for all H2020 funded projects. The goal is to make as much European funded research output as possible available to all, via the OpenAIRE portal.

Horizon 2021 portal

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We look forward to you joining the conversation! VMware Horizon Clients for Windows, Mac, iOS, Linux, Chrome and Android allow you to connect to your VMware Horizon virtual desktop from your device of choice giving you on-the-go access from any location. Click here for a list of certified thin clients, zero clients, and other partner solutions for VMware Horizon. The primary information source for EU-funded projects since 1990: The Projects & Results Service is your one stop for information on EU-funded research projects and project results In 2021, Horizons is virtual, free, and open to everyone.

PASSWORD: Login HORIZON AG-PRODUCTS © 2021. Canadian Natural offers many computer-based training courses to contractors.

2021. 2024; 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013

Horizon 2021 portal


22.04.2021 – webinár pre oblasť Priemysel a nadchádzajúce príležitosti v programe Horizont Európa – Národná kancelária Horizontu. Webinár: Prehľad a funkcie citačných manažérov.
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Horizon 2021 portal

Ziel ist eine wissens- und innovationsgestützte Gesellschaft und wettbewerbsfähige Wirtschaft aufzubauen und zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beizutragen. Horizon Europe, the EU's future framework programme for research and innovation, is taking shape. EU ambassadors confirmed the so-called common understanding reached between the Council presidency and the European Parliament.

Legacy: FP7, H2020, some other EU programmes 2014-20 2.
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Horizon NJ Health’s secure member web portal will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning at 8 p.m.